Solar Plant Operators
infiniRel Provides Solutions for Critical Industry Issues
59% of PV O&M costs are attributed to inverter failure," Sandia National Labs
As solar plant operators, you have seen the systematic, technical, and business challenges the solar industry has faced over the last decade. Inverter failure is emerging as the critical issues for today’s industry.

The Challenge
Increasing inverter operation and maintenance costs, which can be as high as 500% of what was budgeted, are driving up solar plant O&M costs.
Aging Fleet of Inverters: In 2017 Power-Technology reported that 176-GW of Global inverter capacity was 5-yrs of age. That number continues to increase.
Fail Without Warning: Failures can occur within thousandths of a second without any discernible warning signs.
Out-of-Warranty: Either the inverter failure is not covered by the existing warranty or the inverter is already beyond warranty coverage. Many failures happen outside of warranty schemes and significantly increase the cost of operations. Even worse, when inverter manufacturers go bankrupt and jeopardize the supply chain.

Predictive Maintenance: Measures electronic signatures with highly sensitized equipment that can detect potential problems before they occur.
Timely Analytics: Provides real-time guidance that is as simple as a stoplight and as convenient as an App.
All Clear for Normal Operation
Corrective Action to Extend Inverter Life
Prevent Meltdown, Restart Service Safely
Proven and patented:
U.S. patent US9,880,228B2, 2018.
European patents issued in DE, ES, FR, IT, and UK.

The Solution

Our Process

Coordinate test sequence
during routine O&M briefing -
Add test to O&M work flow
Safely take inverter off-line
Attach current sensors
Measurement Process
Restart inverter
Run test sequence (5-10min)
Safely return inverter to service
Receive Actionable Analytics
Signature Analysis
Marginal Stability
System Instability
Allowing Real-Time Response
24/7 Supervision
Power Throttling
Soft Shutdown
